IASO building blocks
June 20th, 2024
  • Georegistry
  • Global health
  • Our products
  • 5 Years of IASO, the All-In-One Georegistry, Campaign Digitization and Data Collection Open-Source Platform
    Five years ago, in 2019, Bluesquare created IASO with a vision to unlock the power of geographical data to better structure and streamline data collection in support […]
    December 18th, 2023
  • Epidemic prone diseases surveillance
  • Georegistry
  • Global health
  • Malaria, HIV, TB
  • Press
  • Projects
  • L’Echo: La Fondation Gates s’allie à la Belgique contre le paludisme
    Article original écrit par Simon Souris pour L’Echo. La Fondation Gates a conclu un accord avec l’agence belge de coopération et la jeune pousse bruxelloise Bluesquare pour […]
    November 29th, 2023
  • Epidemic prone diseases surveillance
  • Georegistry
  • Global health
  • Health financing
  • Health supply chain & logistics
  • Malaria, HIV, TB
  • Our products
  • Projects
  • Wash & Environment
  • Join us at the Global Digital Health Forum, December 4-6, Washington, D.C 2023
    Providing high-quality data for decision-making Over the past decade, Bluesquare has cultivated unique expertise in data integration and analytics. Our proficiency spans a range of areas, including […]
    June 21st, 2024
  • Georegistry
  • Global health
  • Our products
  • IASO, la plateforme open source tout-en-un de géoregistre, digitalisation des campagnes et collecte de données, a 5 ans
    Il y a cinq ans, en 2019, Bluesquare a créé IASO avec la vision tirer profit de données géographiques précises pour mieux structurer et rationaliser la collecte […]
    December 18th, 2023
  • Epidemic prone diseases surveillance
  • Georegistry
  • Global health
  • Malaria, HIV, TB
  • Press
  • Projects
  • L’Echo: La Fondation Gates s’allie à la Belgique contre le paludisme
    Article original écrit par Simon Souris pour L’Echo. La Fondation Gates a conclu un accord avec l’agence belge de coopération et la jeune pousse bruxelloise Bluesquare pour […]
    November 29th, 2023
  • Epidemic prone diseases surveillance
  • Georegistry
  • Global health
  • Health financing
  • Health supply chain & logistics
  • Malaria, HIV, TB
  • Our products
  • Projects
  • Wash & Environment
  • Join us at the Global Digital Health Forum, December 4-6, Washington, D.C 2023
    Providing high-quality data for decision-making Over the past decade, Bluesquare has cultivated unique expertise in data integration and analytics. Our proficiency spans a range of areas, including […]
    June 21st, 2024
  • Georegistry
  • Global health
  • Our products
  • IASO, la plateforme open source tout-en-un de géoregistre, digitalisation des campagnes et collecte de données, a 5 ans
    Il y a cinq ans, en 2019, Bluesquare a créé IASO avec la vision tirer profit de données géographiques précises pour mieux structurer et rationaliser la collecte […]
    November 29th, 2023
  • Global health
  • Health financing
  • Health supply chain & logistics
  • Life @Bluesquare
  • Malaria, HIV, TB
  • Press
  • Projects
  • Meet Our Country Leads!
    En Français ci-dessous! Meet Our Country Leads! Bluesquare is currently strengthening its local presence by appointing Country Leads in some of its key operating countries: Senegal, Côte […]
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    These posts have brought some attention

    IASO building blocks
    June 20th, 2024
  • Georegistry
  • Global health
  • Our products
  • 5 Years of IASO, the All-In-One Georegistry, Campaign Digitization and Data Collection Open-Source Platform
    Five years ago, in 2019, Bluesquare created IASO with a vision to unlock the power of geographical data to better structure and streamline data collection in support […]
    December 18th, 2023
  • Epidemic prone diseases surveillance
  • Georegistry
  • Global health
  • Malaria, HIV, TB
  • Press
  • Projects
  • L’Echo: La Fondation Gates s’allie à la Belgique contre le paludisme
    Article original écrit par Simon Souris pour L’Echo. La Fondation Gates a conclu un accord avec l’agence belge de coopération et la jeune pousse bruxelloise Bluesquare pour […]
    November 29th, 2023
  • Epidemic prone diseases surveillance
  • Georegistry
  • Global health
  • Health financing
  • Health supply chain & logistics
  • Malaria, HIV, TB
  • Our products
  • Projects
  • Wash & Environment
  • Join us at the Global Digital Health Forum, December 4-6, Washington, D.C 2023
    Providing high-quality data for decision-making Over the past decade, Bluesquare has cultivated unique expertise in data integration and analytics. Our proficiency spans a range of areas, including […]
    open imis niger workshop
    March 17th, 2022
  • Health financing
  • Projects
  • Increasing health insurance access in LMICs: the ambition of openIMIS
    This case study was part of our 2022 Impact Report. Digitizing health insurance management processes is key when it comes to the quality development and accessibility of […]
    March 21st, 2023
  • Events & webinars
  • Health financing
  • Strategic purchasing for Health Care and Universal Health Coverage in Niger
    Vous pouvez lire ce blog en français ici. A national conference was held at the Radisson Hotel in Niger from February 27 to March 1, 2023 with […]
    New features of D2D, our DHIS2 data integration tool
    June 10th, 2021
  • Our products
  • New features of D2D, our DHIS2 data integration tool
    One of the biggest challenges we face during our monitoring and evaluation projects is the existence of multiple data sources that are not unified nor synchronized. This […]
    May 19th, 2022
  • Events & webinars
  • Webinaire : Cartographier l’accessibilité aux soins: l’exemple du Niger
    This webinar will also be given in english Monday 31st May 2022 L’objectif de Couverture Sanitaire Universelle (CSU) pour 2030 a été adopté par les Nations Unies […]

    Most read

    These posts have brought some attention

    IASO building blocks
    June 20th, 2024
  • Georegistry
  • Global health
  • Our products
  • 5 Years of IASO, the All-In-One Georegistry, Campaign Digitization and Data Collection Open-Source Platform
    Five years ago, in 2019, Bluesquare created IASO with a vision to unlock the power of geographical data to better structure and streamline data collection in support […]
    December 18th, 2023
  • Epidemic prone diseases surveillance
  • Georegistry
  • Global health
  • Malaria, HIV, TB
  • Press
  • Projects
  • L’Echo: La Fondation Gates s’allie à la Belgique contre le paludisme
    Article original écrit par Simon Souris pour L’Echo. La Fondation Gates a conclu un accord avec l’agence belge de coopération et la jeune pousse bruxelloise Bluesquare pour […]
    November 29th, 2023
  • Epidemic prone diseases surveillance
  • Georegistry
  • Global health
  • Health financing
  • Health supply chain & logistics
  • Malaria, HIV, TB
  • Our products
  • Projects
  • Wash & Environment
  • Join us at the Global Digital Health Forum, December 4-6, Washington, D.C 2023
    Providing high-quality data for decision-making Over the past decade, Bluesquare has cultivated unique expertise in data integration and analytics. Our proficiency spans a range of areas, including […]
    July 13th, 2016
  • Opinions
  • Drones, balloons, satellites…What’s the next big thing in global health?
    While leading a course at the Tropical Institute of Antwerp, I asked participants (mostly mid-career health professionals from emerging economies) when they thought Internet would be available […]
    October 28th, 2021
  • Opinions
  • How a century old game can help you understand health information systems
    About the author Grégoire Lurton is Data Science Lead at Bluesquare. Before joining the team, he worked both in the field supporting national data systems for HIV […]
    December 4th, 2018
  • Our products
  • You can now manage your Dataviz directly in DHIS2
    Do you use dataviz to demonstrate your program results? Today we are pleased to announce that you will be able to manage your dataviz directly in DHIS2. […]
    October 8th, 2021
  • Events & webinars
  • Webinaire: DHIS2 Tracker pour le suivi des bénéficiaires
    DHIS2 Tracker est-il adapté pour le suivi des bénéficiaires ? Les programmes ont souvent besoin de suivre des patients, des bénéficiaires ou des éléments individuels dans le […]

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