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IASO building blocks
June 20th, 2024
  • Georegistry
  • Global health
  • Our products
  • 5 Years of IASO, the All-In-One Georegistry, Campaign Digitization and Data Collection Open-Source Platform
    Five years ago, in 2019, Bluesquare created IASO with a vision to unlock the power of geographical data to better structure and streamline data collection in support […]
    December 18th, 2023
  • Epidemic prone diseases surveillance
  • Georegistry
  • Global health
  • Malaria, HIV, TB
  • Press
  • Projects
  • L’Echo: La Fondation Gates s’allie à la Belgique contre le paludisme
    Article original écrit par Simon Souris pour L’Echo. La Fondation Gates a conclu un accord avec l’agence belge de coopération et la jeune pousse bruxelloise Bluesquare pour […]
    November 29th, 2023
  • Epidemic prone diseases surveillance
  • Georegistry
  • Global health
  • Health financing
  • Health supply chain & logistics
  • Malaria, HIV, TB
  • Our products
  • Projects
  • Wash & Environment
  • Join us at the Global Digital Health Forum, December 4-6, Washington, D.C 2023
    Providing high-quality data for decision-making Over the past decade, Bluesquare has cultivated unique expertise in data integration and analytics. Our proficiency spans a range of areas, including […]
    July 7th, 2022
  • Projects
  • Highway to health: how we mapped 75% of the health centers in the DRC
    Vous pouvez lire ce blog en français ici. Improving geospatial data in the DRC Good geospatial data is the foundation of all health strategy planning!  Whether it […]
    June 22nd, 2022
  • Life @Bluesquare
  • Bluesquare opens its first subsidiary in Senegal!
    Bluesquare opens its first subsidiary in Senegal! En Français ci-dessous! Bluesquare continues to strengthen its local presence, a concept that has always been at the heart of […]
    July 30th, 2020
  • Global health
  • Projects
  • Geospatial Data: a Revolution in how we understand the accessibility of Healthcare Services
    Mrs X was eight months pregnant when she died. There are many reasons for her death, and any one could have tipped the balance. Health education. Family […]

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