Will you use DHIS2 Tracker for Beneficiary monitoring after this webinar?

Programs often require to follow up with individual patients, beneficiaries or items over time, for both operational and reporting reasons. We have seen use cases such as:
- The monitoring of cervical cancer patients over the whole clinical pathway (routine testing, lab results, orientation of patients) in Burkina and Cote d’Ivoire
- The monitoring of children benefiting from child protection programs in the Centrafrican Republic (identification of isolated children, orientation in childcare centers or families, etc.)
- The monitoring of waste packages from households to landfill sites in Guinea
During our last webinar, we discussed how the CommCare platform could support the collection and analysis of longitudinal data. In this session, our very own Romain Olekhnovitch, COO of Bluesquare, will explore the capacities of the DHIS2 Tracker for similar case studies – both on the web and mobile.
DHIS2 Tracker is an application within the DHIS2 platform for the collection of individual-level (or case-based) transactional data, such as medical records for individual patients, confirmed and suspected cases during a disease outbreak, logistical information on specific commodities, or school records for students, to list just a few examples. DHIS2 Tracker supports direct monitoring and follow-up on those cases as well as data analysis and reporting down to a granular level.
We will show participants how DHIS2 Tracker performs and what type of resources are needed to configure an integrated data collection approach for your program. At the end of the session, we will do an in-depth comparison between CommCare and DHIS2 – and highlight other existing options – to help you decide which technology suits your specific program’s needs best.
To stay up to date on upcoming webinars in the “Digitizing your programs: tools and tips” series, stay tuned on our social media!