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IASO building blocks
June 20th, 2024
  • Georegistry
  • Global health
  • Our products
  • 5 Years of IASO, the All-In-One Georegistry, Campaign Digitization and Data Collection Open-Source Platform
    Five years ago, in 2019, Bluesquare created IASO with a vision to unlock the power of geographical data to better structure and streamline data collection in support […]
    December 18th, 2023
  • Epidemic prone diseases surveillance
  • Georegistry
  • Global health
  • Malaria, HIV, TB
  • Press
  • Projects
  • L’Echo: La Fondation Gates s’allie à la Belgique contre le paludisme
    Article original écrit par Simon Souris pour L’Echo. La Fondation Gates a conclu un accord avec l’agence belge de coopération et la jeune pousse bruxelloise Bluesquare pour […]
    November 29th, 2023
  • Epidemic prone diseases surveillance
  • Georegistry
  • Global health
  • Health financing
  • Health supply chain & logistics
  • Malaria, HIV, TB
  • Our products
  • Projects
  • Wash & Environment
  • Join us at the Global Digital Health Forum, December 4-6, Washington, D.C 2023
    Providing high-quality data for decision-making Over the past decade, Bluesquare has cultivated unique expertise in data integration and analytics. Our proficiency spans a range of areas, including […]
    May 14th, 2020
  • Global health
  • Projects
  • Leveraging Digital Health Master Plan for COVID-19
    For governments to effectively manage the health crisis caused by COVID-19, they must have the ability to make decisions based on reliable and consolidated data. Today, the […]
    March 21st, 2023
  • Events & webinars
  • Health financing
  • Achat stratégique des soins et Couverture sanitaire universelle au Niger : Bluesquare tient le pari ! 
    Read this blog in English here. Du 27 Février au 1er Mars 2023, s’est tenue à l’hôtel Radisson au Niger, une conférence nationale sur la thématique : Achat […]
    July 24th, 2019
  • Our products
  • Dataviz summer update
    We have had 6 busy months since January and we have plenty of new features to announce! New – portal homepage To provide visitors with a clear […]
    January 27th, 2017
  • Projects
  • Data Collect in the DRC: Patient feedback & monitoring socio-economic status
    Health RBF programs typically evaluate patient satisfaction quarterly to verify the information declared by health centers about the services offered. Every quarter, a sampling of patients who […]

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